Welcome to the home of the Yoshimi synth!

Yoshimi is a software audio synthesizer, originally forked from ZynAddSubFX. Follow the links in the header for help with downloading and running it. You can also check out the manuals for detailed help, and listen to examples of music created with Yoshimi. Once you have it all set up, here are just some of the features you will find:
Example tracks - using only Yoshimi
Yoshimi Synthesis - by Eddy Deegan
Beautiful, Excellent Birthday Yoshimi - by Jeanette C.
Synth Pertinax - by Lorenzo Sutton
More tracks using Yoshimi, partly or in full, can be found on the demos page.
- Three separate engines
each with distinctive characteristics, can be used together or individually
- Live wavetable recalculation
the padsynth engine can recalculate wavetables in the background and crossfade to the new ones
- Sixteen engine kits
for the ultimate in multi-layering of engines, or for synthesized drum kits
- Vector Control
manage up to four independent sounds on any channel with faders or an X/Y midi joystick
Channel/Key aftertouch support (experimental/developing)
control filter q/cutoff, pitch bend, modulation and channel volume with aftertouch
- Solo
step through up to 16 sounds seamlessly while playing in real time (including vector sounds)
- Microtonal Tuning
Scala-compatible scales and keymaps
- Extensive Midi-Learn
capture almost all internal controls and many switches with ordinary 7-bit values, or NRPNs, or even 7-bit NRPNs, then edit the responses
- Command Line Access
headless operation and high accessibility, for those with sight- or motor control issues
- Rich variations of tone and timbre
Yoshimi provides the means to ensure no two notes are ever identical - just like in the real world.
- Scalable interface for high-dpi monitors
With 2.0, Yoshimi's interface has been dragged into the (very start of the) 21th century.
- Undo/Redo functionality for most settings
As of 2.2.0, undo/redo is available for almost all settings that can be changed in the gui.
- Customizable color themes
As of 2.3.0, the appearance of the gui can be controlled by config files, bundled or personal
- And much more...
Browser version
Jari Kleimola has ported the sound engines to webassembly, making it possibly to try out some of the instruments directly in your browser (requires a recent version of either Firefox or a Chromium-based browser).
Try it out here