
The Vector Window

Vector control enables you to manage two or four completely different instruments all on the same MIDI channel. It does this by enabling Yoshimi's ability to run 'rows' of parts that cover MIDI channels 1 to 16.

Setting a CC for the X dimension will put Yoshimi in 32 part mode (if it was 16) Giving you two instrument control. Adding the Y dimension will bump this up to the full 64 (if it was less). However disabling these will not reduce the number of available parts, as this may have been set independently by some other feature such as Solo.

X and Y are the standard horizontal and vertical joystick axes.

Base Channel This sets the MIDI channel the vector will respond to.

(Options Menu)

X and Y controls are identical so we only describe X.

The upper button opens the current bank for selecting an instrument for the top row (parts 1 to 16)

The controller is the MIDI CC that this axis will respond to

The lower button is for selecting an instrument for the second row (17 to 32). This responds to the incoming CC in the reverse direction.

(features) Volume is in the same sense as the incoming CC, i.e. 0 is minimum and 127 is maximum. The other controls can be in either sense so you can have (say) modulation decreasing as the volume increases, so whichever of the two instruments is the quietest will have the greatest modulation depth.

The Y axis controls rows three (33 to 48) and four (49 to 64) respectively.

At the bottom is a field for entering a name for the complete vector.

 For any given CC, vector control takes priority over both MIDI learn and the Solo features.